Thanks guys. Yes the tips are a bit thick, but they are also only 1/2" at the widest point. In any case, the bow shoots amazingly well and the chronie gave me numbers that I am very satisfied with (3 arrow sizes in my "bag": 535grn = 149fps, 465grn = 163fps (not quite 10gpp), 385grn = 178fps. Averaged out.) I realize these aren't the most blazing speeds ever posted, and I also agree that I might have been able to eek out a few more fps if I continued to sand down the tips, but I'm not so much a "fps" junkie as I am an accuracy and no vibration/handshock fanatic.
There's a saying that goes, "A true artist's greatest skill is knowing when to stop."... or something like that...
I don't know if the title truly applies in this case, but I agree that sometimes you have to know when to stop tinkering.
Besides, I like the way it looks