I used to date a girl that claimed I turned into a were-octopus during the full moon.
I bet that was a long time ago?
That was mean Eddie.
Just because he has a grey beard, and lives in S.D., doesn't mean he can't be as spirited as he once was. Like the old saying goes, just because there is snow on the roof, doesn't mean that the fire's out in the furnace! Of course it may take a little more stoking.......
. You...... are not that far from the "Old man title". Mr. Parker? You mean that old man who wittles on sticks all day? Yeah, I guess the old people need something to occupy their minds to keep oldheimers from setting in. He needs to get an I-Pad! Then he can look up stuff in the twenties, and remember what it was like when his family got light from electric light bulbs, for the first time, and he didn't have to take the five gallon jug down to the local mom and pop store, to get kerosene from the pump with the crank handle. Yeah, Eddie that was just mean..... funny, but mean......
Don't let him brow beat you J.W. .
Let him know you are still...... uh...... holding your own........so to speak.......