Author Topic: Long Bows Rule and Shortbows Drool(all over the place)  (Read 18204 times)

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Offline nclonghunter

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Re: Long Bows Rule and Shortbows Drool(all over the place)
« Reply #45 on: December 19, 2013, 02:46:15 pm »
Okay, are we hunting Primitive deer on the ground or 21st Century deer from a treestand?  >:D
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Offline PatM

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Re: Long Bows Rule and Shortbows Drool(all over the place)
« Reply #46 on: December 19, 2013, 02:48:42 pm »
I have not met anyone yet in this day and age who is a crack shot with a short bow past 15 yards..
Who are you shooting with? With practice one day you will be able to make a nice stable shortbow and shoot it well. ;)

Offline bubby

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Re: Long Bows Rule and Shortbows Drool(all over the place)
« Reply #47 on: December 19, 2013, 02:49:43 pm »
it's all relative to how the locals adapted to their hunting areas and style, in my area short sinew bows were the norm, and the na's hunted from ground blinds
Howard Hill one of the greatest said that he wasn't good enough to hunt with a short bow and that the perfect hunting bow was an alb with straight limbs and just a touch of follow
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Re: Long Bows Rule and Shortbows Drool(all over the place)
« Reply #48 on: December 19, 2013, 03:45:16 pm »
@patm...already do ;) I whipped a group of us guys this summer (57" bow)and most all were shooting a longer bow than me(they just need to practice more is all)..but I can still shoot my longbows better yet....even tho you can make and design a short bow to feel like a longbow in the draw you still will never ever be able to make it as stable as a longbow(without attaching a long stabilizer),and that's just a fact and simple proven physics that's irrefutable no matter what witty comeback you come we dont see Olympic archers toting around ~ 50" bows and winning? Why is it the common length today is 5-6 feet with long stabilizers attached? The stabilizers are giving the bow more "length"so to speak to "stabilize" a slightly shorter bow than what was used before glass which was around 70",and why did they then back in those times prefer those lengths? Better accuracy is why..plain n simple...if your so good then why don't you make a video of you shooting a few groups of arrows at 30 yards,and show us how its done ;)

Bub....Howard is pretty much still right ;)

Offline PatM

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Re: Long Bows Rule and Shortbows Drool(all over the place)
« Reply #49 on: December 19, 2013, 03:57:42 pm »
@patm...already do ;) I whipped a group of us guys this summer (57" bow)and most all were shooting a longer bow than me(they just need to practice more is all)..but I can still shoot my longbows better yet....even tho you can make and design a short bow to feel like a longbow in the draw you still will never ever be able to make it as stable as a longbow(without attaching a long stabilizer),and that's just a fact and simple proven physics that's irrefutable no matter what witty comeback you come we dont see Olympic archers toting around ~ 50" bows and winning? Why is it the common length today is 5-6 feet with long stabilizers attached? The stabilizers are giving the bow more "length"so to speak to "stabilize" a slightly shorter bow than what was used before glass which was around 70",and why did they then back in those times prefer those lengths? Better accuracy is why..plain n simple...if your so good then why don't you make a video of you shooting a few groups of arrows at 30 yards,and show us how its done ;)

Bub....Howard is pretty much still right ;)
Define shortbow and longbow.... The longest yardage traditional style archery is still practiced with shortbows in Korea.
 You are the one that is telling us how it's done  without video....
 btw  I just looked up "humblebrag" in the urban dictionary and your picture is there. ;)


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Re: Long Bows Rule and Shortbows Drool(all over the place)
« Reply #50 on: December 19, 2013, 04:08:58 pm »
In a debate when one resorts to name calling they show there true colors and maturity level.....thanks for showing and sharing yours patm  ;) ...lmao  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:

Offline Parnell

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Re: Long Bows Rule and Shortbows Drool(all over the place)
« Reply #51 on: December 19, 2013, 04:15:44 pm »
Crap, let's let this part of the conversation die a quick death.

Chris...I don't see 57 inches as being a short bow, though.  My book, about 57" to about 64" is medium length.  A real shorty?  Under 52"...

56" of bend through the handle osage can easily go to 28".  That's no shorty!

Offline PatM

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Re: Long Bows Rule and Shortbows Drool(all over the place)
« Reply #52 on: December 19, 2013, 04:23:25 pm »
In a debate when one resorts to name calling they show there true colors and maturity level.....thanks for showing and sharing yours patm  ;) ...lmao  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:
NOBODY has actually shown anything proving one way or the other. Your original thread title was designed  to needle people, don't get all offended when it gets turned back on you. You're a big boy now.

Offline Slackbunny

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Re: Long Bows Rule and Shortbows Drool(all over the place)
« Reply #53 on: December 19, 2013, 04:28:20 pm »
I really like the look of longbows. They're just the iconic image of a bow IMO.

Now that I think of it though, I don't think I've ever made a real longbow. The longest I've ever gone was 68" I believe. I'll have to remedy that...

In a debate when one resorts to name calling they show there true colors and maturity level.....thanks for showing and sharing yours patm  ;) ...lmao  :laugh:  :laugh:  :laugh:
NOBODY has actually shown anything proving one way or the other. Your original thread title was designed  to needle people, don't get all offended when it gets turned back on you. You're a big boy now.

And a big boy needs a big bow. Longbows FTW!

Offline DuBois

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Re: Long Bows Rule and Shortbows Drool(all over the place)
« Reply #54 on: December 19, 2013, 04:30:58 pm »
Maybe you 2 should pick yer weapons, pace off 10, turn and draw  >:D ;D ;)

I don't know what's better for sure and probably neither do you guys. At least not for everybody else.

Obviously they all can kill something in the right hands and isn't that what this is about? Different styles, tribes, cultures, bows, whatever-it all works and it's all preference.

Now let's get back to having fun. Of course, maybe you guys love to argue. In that case-rock on dudes!

Offline Slackbunny

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Re: Long Bows Rule and Shortbows Drool(all over the place)
« Reply #55 on: December 19, 2013, 04:34:46 pm »
Maybe you 2 should pick yer weapons, pace off 10, turn and draw  >:D ;D ;)

I don't know what's better for sure and probably neither do you guys. At least not for everybody else.

Obviously they all can kill something in the right hands and isn't that what this is about? Different styles, tribes, cultures, bows, whatever-it all works and it's all preference.

Now let's get back to having fun. Of course, maybe you guys love to argue. In that case-rock on dudes!

Who get's their bows after they shoot each other? Better yet, who gets their stash of staves?


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Re: Long Bows Rule and Shortbows Drool(all over the place)
« Reply #56 on: December 19, 2013, 04:36:32 pm »
Its hard to define with definitive numbers as to what constitutes as a short bow,or a longbow for that matter..because every bodies a little different....when I drop down to ~60" I really have to be in mind of my form(but I'm always in concentration of proper form) ,and getting below 60 the accuracy drops subtlety,and more so out past getting down to ~50"or less is when things take a lot of effort n practice to be able to shoot well(especially past 20)and not have your accuracy drop out of the bucket....sure there's cases of cultures who used a "short" bow well for there intentions(they put lots dmore time into it than we do generally speaking because it was pretty much there job) ,but that still doesn't mean a longbow is better for the majority of other folks....

Lol slackbunny....

n I'm far from being offended yet ;)


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Re: Long Bows Rule and Shortbows Drool(all over the place)
« Reply #57 on: December 19, 2013, 04:38:27 pm »
Yep ,stirring the pot again. :)

Hey am I  >:D  :laugh:


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Re: Long Bows Rule and Shortbows Drool(all over the place)
« Reply #58 on: December 19, 2013, 04:40:05 pm »
Is a horse bow really that short for a 5 foot tall Japanese archer? Maybe not?
Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last fish has been caught will we realize we cannot eat money.

Offline PatM

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Re: Long Bows Rule and Shortbows Drool(all over the place)
« Reply #59 on: December 19, 2013, 04:44:14 pm »
The Japanese also used an excessively long bow, even on horseback. Likely to compensate for something or other. ;)