Author Topic: Looking For Identification  (Read 6644 times)

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Re: Looking For Identification
« Reply #30 on: October 25, 2013, 08:42:49 pm »
You calmly and patiently made me work it out on my own. 
What made the difference was a video, but I would not have ever watched it, if not for this conversation.
I was not looking from the correct perspective, and you forced me to look from yours, which is what such discussions are for!

Offline Ghost308

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Re: Looking For Identification
« Reply #31 on: December 20, 2013, 12:49:06 am »
Nice point, I have one just llike it I dug up in Jefferson counth where they put Northwest High School at


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Re: Looking For Identification
« Reply #32 on: December 20, 2013, 11:09:10 am »
There is no doubt that this entire area has had people living in it for a very long time. 
I dropped into the creek that point came out of the day before deer season, and I worked my way up the creek, looking for large pieces of workable stone.  I was picking up the likely looking pieces and knocking a couple of flakes off to see what it was. 
It rapidly became clear, that most such pieces had already been picked up and had had a couple of flakes knocked off to see what they were.  Some of the scars were old enough to be forming patina over the scars again.  Some were old enough that the patina on the scars appeared the same as the other cortex. 
I believe I have found the material they were looking for, but it will have to wait until I get time to go again, since I figured the hunters would not react well to someone playing in the creek, and hitting rocks together!
The area you mention is just about the same distance from the river as the area I found mine in is, and pretty much every such large drainage here has had people living in it for a very long time!