Wife mentioned that she saw a copy of a Saxton Pope book at a local used book shop- I don't know what the title is right now, but I'll find out and I'd be willing to nab it for someone if they had an interest, and trade it for something.
EDIT: It is Hunting with the bow and arrow, 2nd edition, copyright 1925. Smells like an old book, looks like an old book. Some tears on two pages, shown below.

I'd like to trade for(in descending order of preference):
- A bow
- Some nice arrows
- Knapping material
- Knapping tools
- Stave
- Other raw materials
I'm pretty open to anything, so don't hesitate to make an offer. Just gotta clear it with the wife. Since she did the footwork, she's demanding approval of the trade.

FYI- Going away for Christmas vacation. Be back Saturday. I'll try to hop on and read any replies, but certainly won't be able to ship until next week.