News from the Iowans
Looks like Saturday the 15th of Feb. at 2:00pm will be our next meeting. Our last meeting was lots of fun despite the weather and Tom walked away with the arrow from the shoot. Annette's chili was amazing and everyone brought a wide range of food and treats. Tim Marshall came and talked about the bow club and many of us paid our dues. He left forms for folks to fill out, remind me at the next meeting for them.
I decided to hold off on the tanning demo till Feb so Steve could be here to watch. So I will demo how to work the hide after it is rawhide the next time we get together. We will also be shooting, talking bows, and how to get started on knapping those arrowheads from flakes of flint.
On a side note
On this Sat Jan. The 18th a few of us are getting together to remove trees from the dam at the new pond on the back 40. If you want to come hangout and lend a hand we start at 8:30 with a breakfast made by Annette that is going to be amazing and will finish with a lunch... homemade soup. I counted about 15-20 ~8 inch size tree that need to be dropped and moved. The temp will be around 25 -30 and should be sunny, perfect in my book for running a chainsaw. If you have a quad feel free to bring it.
In the afternoon Matt Edwards (Went tam) is coming over to work on bows and we will be running the bandsaw cuttng out staves. Your welcome to stay/come over after lunch to shoot, work on bows or just hangout.