Well I bought a woodslicer blade recently that is just not wanting to give me a decent quality cut. Usually it will be almost glue up quality, this blade just ain't wanting to do it. I have finally decided it is the blade, as I can take my new woodslicer off and put on my old woodslicer (same exact spec blades) and get a perfect cut after finding the drift and setting my fence accordingly. If I try the same with the new woodslicer blade, it will be rough, and not near the quality of my old blade. So I am surrendering after a week of trying to make this blade work, and sending it back to highland woodworking, so they can send me another one. I'm not sure what is wrong with it, I just know it ain't like the old one, and I know it ain't me or my bandsaw, because I can easily get a good cut with the old blade after a quick set up to accommodate for the drift. Anyway, I was thinking, my old blade cuts a real good quality, but it is just duller than heck. Do any of you ever sharpen your own bandsaw blades? If I try, is there a good chance I will screw up the quality of cut? It smokes now pretty much no matter what it is so dull.