By Paleo I am assuming you mean that you used primtive tools. Is that right? Can you list your tools and materials?
No, sorry. I used paleo cause it's not some authentic replica of any actual style but did restrict myself in material choice.
The tools I used are a workbench, a drawknife and two rasps. Also some 100 grit sandpaper. A mortar, and glass jars for the colours and the glue.
Materials is the dogwood stem, deer sinew, hide glue, reddish clay, charcoal, white chalk, linen string, beeswax, pine pitch and a cow gut.
I have been wanting to do a stone-aged bow from tree to shooter, and would love to know what other folks are using.
Me too. But I still suck so badly at flintknapping that I think it is a long way to go.