I feel lucky living up here in the UP of Michigan, no hurricanes, earthquakes, ice storms, tornadoes and floods are few and far between.
Yea winter is long and summer is short but the changing seasons are very beautiful and exhilirating. I live on the South side of the peninsula
next to Lake Michigan in what is known as the banana belt, we don't get the constant lake effect snows like they do to north on Lake Superior.
Some places on Superior get snow every day and is measured in feet not inches. But it don't make the news, guess were to small and people are used to it.
Go to Houghton area and people will snowshoe or ski to get around, a big storm barely slows them down. I think folks up here are more equipped to handle
hardship than the city folk, the UP is mostly small communities largest town is about 40,000 people we call it a city

Neighbors actually still help each other
and a helping hand usually isn't far away. Sadly its starting to change, city folk have discovered the low land prices up here

, so land is quickly getting expensive
and they are bringing thier city ways and attitudes with them. No Trespassing signs are going up everywhere, also seeing more of the city folks that object to hunting
they are not only non-hunters but PETA members and so on. Not all of them but too many! There goes the nieghbor hood eh!