I have three boys and they go to a Waldorf school out here in Hillsboro were we live. They really focus on getting the children reconnected to the earth and working with it. I have been working with the kids and want to build shave horses with them and teach them to make bows, canoe paddles, rakes,.....anything that gets them connected and interested in building with their hands. I have been studying the native people of the northwest...something I have been interested in since I was a small boy here playing in the creeks, streams, and fields wondering about those that lived here before us. The school we are a part of have a farm property on the outskirts of town on Mckay creek, just next to Camp Ireland. We are preparing to build the school & farm campus out there and have to take down a bunch of cedar trees. My desire with those is to bring in a native carver and do a couple of dugout canoes and to possibly have a native weaver show us how to harvest the cedar bark and weave with it. I envision a bunch of shave horses out there, so that we can teach the children and invite the community to come out and share in our experiences. I have begun my search for draw knives and spoke shaves and am preparing a stock of wood to make paddles, and hope to learn how to find staves for bows (another good reason to go visit Keenan again!) and get a stock of those put together. Lots of things to do and to learn, but I am on the path and life is responding! So excited to learn and to pass this on to the children. I think reconnecting the kids to being outside and off of screens will help them to be more responsible, connected, contributing adults is the ticket! I just wanted to share my excitement for the journey and see what connections I can make in my home town. Anybody out here in Hillsboro and the surrounding area that I might meet up with and discuss skills & techniques? I also have a heavy duty sewing business and work on canvas, leather, and other heavy duty fabric items. Look forward to making new friends and maybe getting some shavings on the ground out at the school farm and property!
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