OK, so I'm trying to replicate a rawhide sleeve take-down I saw here:
http://paleoplanet69529.yuku.com/reply/303271/Re-Raw-Hide-Scarf-tube-take-down-red-oak-bow#.UsxBmrTWun5 Ingredients are some ocean spray billets, rawhide and hemp sting/bolts (I used 2 instead of 1, haven't cut them short yet).

Ain't it pretty?

After I got it to floor tiller, I noticed the tips were not aligned, so I steamed each billet straight, bending each maybe 15 degree about 2/3 of the way out along the limb. Easy, right? Unfortunately, after some more tillering, stringing and heat treating, the tips are back to their old tricks, if not worse. String isn't even going over the handle, let alone the center of the handle. Anyways, is it safe to steam bend wood another time, especially after a heat treat? How can I make sure the alignment stays straight next time?

I really like this bow, the handle is staying together, tiller is looking pretty good so far and the poundage is right where I want it. String alignment, not so much. Help me save this one!