Well I have received my Christmas gifts from 1442 and all I can say is WOW!!
Terry, I am greatly humbled by your craftsmanship and generosity. I made out like a bandit, I got an awesome Atlatl and 4 river cane darts, 4 Stumper foreshafts, 4 practice point hardwood with steel tip foreshafts, 3 forshafts with knapped stone points, 2 judo bunny buster foreshafts, and one foreshaft with a single bevel steel broadhead from a circular saw blade that looks like it could take down a Mastodon. I also got an awesome rack to hang it all on.
But wait that's not all, I also got a knapping kit with 2 beautiful copper boppers that are amazing too look at as well as use, an awesome Ishi stick, a palm pad, 2 extra lead filled cap for the boppers 3 extra rods for the Ishi stick, an abrading stone and hardwood mandrels to make extra caps for the boppers.
I'm not done there's more. I also received a bow drill fire starting kit with a hickory bow, a fire board, 5 yucca spindles, one spindle of unknown wood, a really sweet bearing block, a tinder bundle and some char cloth.
Not only that but there was also some back strap sinew, and a nice piece of yucca. I hope I haven't left anything off.
I got enough toys to keep me busy for a long time, my wife saw the rack and the first words out of her mouth was your not hanging that in the house, but after she saw it with the atlatl and the darts hanging on it with all the foreshafts she was like we will see where would you hang it. Even she thought it was pretty cool, my son approved of it as well.
It was late when I got home last night so I did not get a chance to take any pics and it will be Saturday before I have the time but if you want to see what I got Terry posted some pics in the progress thread and I have to say pictures just so not do them justice, this has to be the best Christmas gift I have ever gotten and I sincerely and humbly Thank you.