... With the router, I have managed to get an ok finish, but the shaft is shaped like bamboo, with big fat spots and little thin spots! What in the heck! Man am I gonna celebrate when (if) I get this stupid thing working. Yall make it look way too easy, (or maybe I am just good at making everything look hard,
1. The input hole needs to be a sized that just is a snug fit on the corners of the square stock.
2a. The cutter needs to make the round part a size that you can't push into the output hole unless the shaft is spinning.
2b. It should require a fairly firm push on the drill to make the round stock go through the output hole, but no more than a couple of pounds of push. If it's harder than that, the cutter needs to remove more wood. If it is very easy to push the shaft through the output hole, the cutter needs to remove less wood.
3. If you wig-wag back and forth in pushing the drill, the shaft will be bent toward and away from the cutter, resulting in your bamboo look. (I never get a bamboo look, but unless I am careful to push straight, it does get noticeably easier or harder to push the drill.
hope this helps.