ELB or Warbow. (from a stave)
Rough it out to approx dimensions. Get a fairly even thickness taper.
Put on a string which will just get on the stave, pull to see if it's fairly even flex, using upto max draw weight.
Look and see how it bends, remove wood where appropriate. As a rule I like to see a bit of movement in the inner third, then I work outwards.
Once the tips are coming back about 6-7" shorten the string with Del's magic string toggle

and continue to tiller.
This method gets you bending at a higher weight than maybe necessary, but when working a stave you need the leeway as you will doubtless have dips, knots and allignment problems to work around. If you are too close to final weight too early you'll have no room for manouver.
I reckon it's especially true of a warbow, if you can flex it on the floor, you may be too weak already!