Worked most all this morning tillering what is hoped to be my first shootable bow. Vine maple, going for 50# @ 28". Right now, i'm about 40# at 18". The original 'tree' was only about 2" in diameter - after I split it in half I realized the handle wasn't going to be deep enough so I'm trying out a glued on piece of hardwood. seems to be working ok.
But I have had the tillering going very well for quite some time, then as I braced it higher (from 3" to 5" at the handle) I started noticing that the brace height out in the limbs were going awry (shorter on one side than the other). There has always been a crook in the upper limb that I've had to deal with - it was going fine for a while...
First, where you would be shaving to even the limbs out again, considering the pictures below (pardon the poor quality and background).
Second, if, say, the string height at the handle is 5", bottom limb 12" in from tip is say, 3" and the top is 4" -- which limb would you be shaving to even things out...
I've been staring at this trying to get it figured out and its not coming clear to me. Left limb seems as if it needs bending more, with a hinge developing about 3" below the handle. This is a bit of a snakey stave too.
Ideas? He'p?
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