Thanks for the kind words everybody!
Lmao Adam
Dubois, for the serviceberry I heat treated the outer tips to keep them a bit stiffer and to eliminate side-to-side bend. The rest is just the natural color of the wood.
Thanks Blackhawk, I don't intend to give away ANY of my bows yet. Specially the holly, I'll just shoot it till it blows. It isn't making any noises yet haha.
Thanks dwardo, yeah i'll get a smooth background for the FD's so you guys can see the tiller better. I think next time i cut Holly i'll keep the bark on for a bit
Thanks Arrowind, I appreciate it!
Yeah Parnell i agree, although people say red oak is good for learning, all i've really known is sapling bows and they teach you pretty quick. The materials are also easier to get. And they can look pretty darn cool too!