Again, thanks to all who had the kind words.
Wow, Doobwah! That is an impressive set, bow and archeress!
Please get everything in order for entering that into bow of the month!
Thought about this. I wouldn't trade this bow for any of the BOM's.
That being said, I know I am not near half the bowyer that many people here are and wouldn't enter this bow as BOM for that reason and that both bows are already very special anyway.
But who knows, someday I may reach the level for a BOM...

Yeah, we do some rough housing and she's pretty tough I guess. I kinda like the method a friend of mine told me about. "Ask the kids name at the door and write with a sharpie on a shotgun shell, then put it on the mantle."
That made me choke on my tea

Yeah, I thought it was funny before I had a daughter, now it's a serious option 
Really sweet bow and a happy young 'un.
I've just showed a friend how to make a bow for his sons christmas present. It'll be fun watching him shoot it, kids just love bows.