I figured the denim was heavy and would soak up glue, this is more of a scrap parts kinda bow. i used a big tack to hold the denim down at one limb tip, coated the bows back in TB3 slowly roled and smoothed the denim on down to the handle. then I added a layer of TB3 to the top (back) of the denim. I added a second layer of TB3 to both limbs when they were dry, now, this morning I am going to cover the center splice of denim with a small piece for protection. Ill try to get a few photos before I jump back into my recurve stave. thanks for the tips guys.
adb: the first time I laid down the denim it turned out lumpy and crooked like you said. pulled it up and tacked it to the tip and rolled it down the limb. the trick was getting it straight with the tack and adding more glue to the back right after laying it down and smoothing the glue evenly with my fingers. definetly not as easy as I thought at first!