Author Topic: What are some of the coolest things you have learned on here?  (Read 15657 times)

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Offline bubby

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Re: What are some of the coolest things you have learned on here?
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2013, 08:31:58 pm »
the coolest thing I learned here is that I'm not alone in the wilderness when it comes to wood bows, cause I definitely am where I live, bub
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Don Case

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Re: What are some of the coolest things you have learned on here?
« Reply #16 on: December 01, 2013, 09:08:30 pm »
the coolest thing I learned here is that I'm not alone in the wilderness when it comes to wood bows, cause I definitely am where I live, bub

That's something that the internet has done. With my other hobbies, bonsai and racing R/C sailboats I would be spinning my wheels if it wasn't for the internet. I sure know how to pick the obscure hobbies!

Offline 4dog

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Re: What are some of the coolest things you have learned on here?
« Reply #17 on: December 01, 2013, 09:25:13 pm »
the coolest is this,and i KNOW noone can say im wrong...that there is an internet forum that gets along without literal blowups and ragequits every ten seconds..this forum is about the only proof i have seen where people actually LIKE each other..and for this and this alone i applaud all of you.... :'(...ok enough sappiness..on with the show!
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Offline Carson (CMB)

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Re: What are some of the coolest things you have learned on here?
« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2013, 10:25:27 pm »
How to make a bow from wood!!  :)
"The bow is the old first lyre,
the mono chord, the initial rune of fine art
The humanities grew out from archery as a flower from a seed
No sooner did the soft, sweet note of the bow-string charm the ear of genius than music was born, and from music came poetry and painting and..." Maurice Thompso

Offline osage outlaw

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Re: What are some of the coolest things you have learned on here?
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2013, 10:29:18 pm »
I'm with 4dog.  The coolest thing I  have learned from here is that the people that build wood bows are about the greatest group of people out there.  So many members offer help, send gifts, and do about anything to help out a beginner.
I started out with nothin' and I still got most of it left

Offline koan

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Re: What are some of the coolest things you have learned on here?
« Reply #20 on: December 02, 2013, 12:48:21 am »
Theres to much to really mention! I do know that i burnt alot of "BAD" osage before i learned bout heat straightening... Coolest thing ive learned here is that I have one hell of an extended family.. ;)... Brian
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Offline Gordon

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Re: What are some of the coolest things you have learned on here?
« Reply #21 on: December 02, 2013, 01:24:54 am »
What I've learned is humility. I had some success with bows early and thought I was pretty good. But over time I came to recognize and appreciate the depth of talent, dedication and generosity of the craftsmen that form this community. You all have made me a better bowyer and a person and I am grateful for that.

Offline IdahoMatt

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Re: What are some of the coolest things you have learned on here?
« Reply #22 on: December 02, 2013, 01:38:41 am »
Coolest thing that i have learned would have to be that there's so many kind people here.  The willingness to teach and my eagerness to learn and someday teach what I have learned .  So thanks to all that are willing keep it up.  When I first got on this site I was a relative newbie.  Now I know enough to get into trouble. 


Offline Jodocus

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Re: What are some of the coolest things you have learned on here?
« Reply #23 on: December 02, 2013, 02:05:29 am »
How to make a bow from wood!!  :)

Pretty much that.
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Offline H Rhodes

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Re: What are some of the coolest things you have learned on here?
« Reply #24 on: December 02, 2013, 03:51:43 am »
Coolest thing that i have learned would have to be that there's so many kind people here.  The willingness to teach and my eagerness to learn and someday teach what I have learned .  So thanks to all that are willing keep it up.  When I first got on this site I was a relative newbie.  Now I know enough to get into trouble. 

I totally agree and  have those same feelings.     

  The trade of primitive materials is one of the coolest things on this site.   Studying a little history will confirm that our trading of raw materials like river cane, obsidian, osage, sinew, etc. is truly keeping alive a practice that is thousands of years old (compliments of the postal service, the internet, and the good, honest folks of Primitive Archer, of course!)  I think that is one of the coolest things to me.
Gautier, Mississippi


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Re: What are some of the coolest things you have learned on here?
« Reply #25 on: December 02, 2013, 04:39:48 am »
the coolest thing I learned here is that I'm not alone in the wilderness when it comes to wood bows, cause I definitely am where I live, bub
It's nice to know somebody else is in a workshop somewhere making shavings like a madman. ;D ;D

Offline twisted hickory

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Re: What are some of the coolest things you have learned on here?
« Reply #26 on: December 02, 2013, 04:41:04 am »
It's been just under a year since I starters making date I have finished 13. By Christmas I will be up to 15 for the year. So most all I know of making bows goes to this site and it's helpful people....kilt a deer w one of my bows too :)

Offline NeolithicMan

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Re: What are some of the coolest things you have learned on here?
« Reply #27 on: December 02, 2013, 09:39:04 am »
Had to learn how to not be jealouse when I get on and see all these beautiful bows, knives, arrows etc.  :D

But seriously, learning there are cool people out there with similar yet different views and how awesome we all can be for each other was one of the coolest things I have found here!

John, 40-65# @ 28" Central New York state. Never enough bows, never enough arrows!

Offline adb

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Re: What are some of the coolest things you have learned on here?
« Reply #28 on: December 02, 2013, 11:00:20 am »
What I've learned is humility. I had some success with bows early and thought I was pretty good. But over time I came to recognize and appreciate the depth of talent, dedication and generosity of the craftsmen that form this community. You all have made me a better bowyer and a person and I am grateful for that.

A big +1 on that!!

Offline Badger

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Re: What are some of the coolest things you have learned on here?
« Reply #29 on: December 02, 2013, 11:28:38 am »
       I guess it would really depend when I was asked this question. Like a lot of others I learned a good bit of what I know right here. I wish some of you guys could have been around for the white wood wars with Tim Baker and Dean Torges at the forefront. I had been building bows for a few years I think before I found the internet and could not get a self bow to saty together without FG backing tape. So when I found Jawges site and he showed how to select the right grain on a board I thought that was the coolest thing. Then I learned about staves and chasing rings, that became the new coolest thing. I never did think the Mark St Louis bow style was too cool because no matter how hard I tried I couldn't build one!
But Marks heat treating tecnique had me off and running again.

      Little phrases that really sank in like " Don't pull the bow any further than what it takes to expose an area that needs work" by David Mims. That was a very cool thing that was a major mile stone for me. I also think that many of the questions posed on this site that I felt were never answered with what I considered to be a real difinitive answer were thought provoking and challenging. For instance " longer and wider" well how the hell much wider or longer?? Or, how much weight can I get out of this stave?

     We have really stood on each others shoulders here and continued to grow.