Its a shame that when you were up on the roof cutting the yew, you didn't accidentally 'discover' some other damage to the other trees...... 
I had to submit photos and stuff in triplicate (I jest ye not!) My son suggested I photoshop some 'damage' onto any suitable limbs 
You gotta do what ya gotta do. A couple years ago, every time it would storm real bad, before it hit I would go out and get ready cutting some bow wood. My first reason is that the wind of the storm when it came would help me bring the tree down, and help it from getting stuck up in the branches, etc. My other reason was that some of the places I was cutting bow wood were kind of,.. "iffy"... (

),... and I figured people would think the tree was falling from the storm as trees sometimes do during heavy storms, instead of some lunatic out in the woods pilfering trees in the middle of a storm,

. My third reason was that cutting bow wood in a storm is just fun.