Author Topic: Winter Projects  (Read 12883 times)

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Offline DanaM

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Winter Projects
« on: December 13, 2007, 12:51:15 pm »
Just wonder what winter projects everyone has planned.

Heres some of mine.

1. Finish my great nieces bow, quiver and arrows, won't make Christmas deadline but better late than never.
2. Make arrows for my niece and her fiances bow I built.
3. Scrape and dry about 20 lbs of backstrap sinew.
4 make a bow for a friend that let me cut bow wood on his property.
5 make arrows for the wife's bow.
6. Make myself a bow ;D As of Christmas day I will be bowless as I'm giving my last good bow to my nephew, its a reward for turning his life around, he starts college in Jan
7. Trade sinew to you guys ;)
8. Make a couple of Knives, quivers and more arrows.

Oh yea make a present for the Christmas Trade, can't forget that.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2007, 02:04:33 pm by DanaM »
"Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things."

Manistique, MI

Offline tom sawyer

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Re: Winter Projects
« Reply #1 on: December 13, 2007, 01:32:00 pm »
1.  Make at least one more BBO for my boss, he's making me a fishing rod as a trade.  Gotta do a good job on that one.
2.  Help a new guy make an osage selfbow.
3.  Make some quivers out of several tanned pelts I have, got two red fox, two coyote, and a badger.
4.  Tan a gray fox (in the freezer) and a bobcat pelt (if the guy remembers to save me the bobcat).
5.  Work up several osage staves from the log I bought, they are laying under 2" of ice on the driveway at the moment.
6.  Trade Dana for some backstrap sinew.
7.  Make horn nocks for my wife's ELB.
8.  Finish a yew ELB I have started.
9.  Take a nap.

I think I'll start at the bottom and work my way up.
Hannibal, MO

Offline deerhunter97370

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Re: Winter Projects
« Reply #2 on: December 13, 2007, 01:53:58 pm »
This will probly extend it summer but oh well.
1. Christmas Trade Gift
2. An all wood crossbow for my Dad
3. Viking Longbow for my Stepdad
4. A Longbow for a friend that gave me all my Yew wood.
Always be ready to: Preach, Pray, or Die. John Wesley

Offline Wulamoc

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Re: Winter Projects
« Reply #3 on: December 13, 2007, 02:33:20 pm »
As of December 31st, I'll be retired!  I hope to make 6 bows, 4 or 5 knives, a lot of arrows, and somehow get the honey-do list underway!!!  ;)
And God was with the lad; and he grew, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer. GEN-21:20


Offline DanaM

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Re: Winter Projects
« Reply #4 on: December 13, 2007, 02:43:51 pm »
Congrats on your upcoming retirerment, must be nice. Make the bows and stuff first
and do the honey dos later ;D
"Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things."

Manistique, MI

Offline stiknstring

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Re: Winter Projects
« Reply #5 on: December 13, 2007, 02:50:46 pm »
1. Finish the Christmas Trade project
2. Finish daughters ipe selfbow
3. Points on daughters arrows
4. Nephews new bow since his dad broke his
5. Bamboo backed Ipe bow for me
6. Red Oak starter for friend Joe
7. Tradepoints for Barry
8. Knife set for friend Brad

Offline Dane

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Re: Winter Projects
« Reply #6 on: December 13, 2007, 04:21:35 pm »
1. Finish a osage 80 lb. longbow for a friend
2. Finish building my bronze furnace, and cast various manuballista and scorpion parts
4. Start writing a booklet on how to build Roman catapults (outlined already)
4. Get back to work on a Asiatic composite bow
5. Get back to learning how to knap stone
6. Start a primitive crossbow
7. Lots of shooting practice, if the weather cooperates
Greenfield, Western Massachusetts

Offline david w.

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Re: Winter Projects
« Reply #7 on: December 13, 2007, 06:42:02 pm »
i havent made abow in 3 months so
1. make a bow
thats it for now beacuse for me making a bow is a LONG process
These pretzels are making me thirsty.

if it dont go it - El Destructo

Offline Coo-wah-chobee

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Re: Winter Projects
« Reply #8 on: December 13, 2007, 06:44:52 pm »
.........Hunt  all the time ! ;D....bob

Offline The Burnt Hill Archer

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Re: Winter Projects
« Reply #9 on: December 13, 2007, 06:47:30 pm »
ive got a hickory selfbow in the works. hope to get it done to hunt with it this late season. other than that, i plan to get an osage board to do some bbo's, and make my mom a NA flute from a ceder fence rail.
stalk softly, and carry a bent stick.

Offline Sidewinder

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Re: Winter Projects
« Reply #10 on: December 13, 2007, 07:17:22 pm »
OK here goes:
-finish my first bow ( almost done)
-do 8 more hickory/pecan board bows same way and give them to dad,brother,cousin, 21yr old son,19yr daughter,12yr old daughter,neighbor and the guy that let me harvest the Osage so he will let me go again in the spring.
- make arrows for all of the above.
- take a cyborg shooter stump shooting with one of the extra bows I will have made and see if I can infect him with the obsession to go au natural.
-take my first deer ( I know its late in the season but I'm optimistic)
- scout more Osage and identify likely harvest candidates.
-  find and harvest some worthy shoots to make own shafts
- build my reflexing caul
-build my steam tube
- build my hot box to speed up the drying on the Osage that i have and the elm that I'm gonna get
- start my garden starts in the basement under a grow light so I don't have to buy the plants this year.
- do my first Osage self bow
- do my first tip overlays
-do my first recurved tip
-heat treat out the 4" set my current Osage "sidewinder has in it and sinew back it. (waiting to finish my replacement bow before I even think about being bowless.)- increase my accuracy from 15 and 20yds out to 25 and 30yds.
-trade for some turkey feathers and do first set of self knocked paleo arrows with trade points.
 I know that all sounds rather ambitious and if I don't get it all done by the time spring roles around and we go to Ojam  then I guess I will be further down the path and maybe I can have something useful to contribute to the gathering . Danny
"You know a tree by the fruit it bears"   God

Offline DanaM

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Re: Winter Projects
« Reply #11 on: December 13, 2007, 07:21:43 pm »
Dane ya left ou the the Yooper bow :(

Bob you lucky dog!
"Prosperity is a way of living and thinking, and not just money or things. Poverty is a way of living and thinking, and not just a lack of money or things."

Manistique, MI

Offline bootboy

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Re: Winter Projects
« Reply #12 on: December 13, 2007, 11:39:21 pm »
1: Finish the hickory pryamid bow for finnishnative
2: make 6 elm flatbows for my metalhead crew lol make 6 hickory bows for the others in the crew.
3: Make arrows for all of the above.
4:make 2 hickory longbows, to send to a friend in germany.
5: Make a bow horse.
6: Find a reliable source for sinew (i've been thinking of going to the horse slaughter house in St.jacobs)
7: make an andaman island/ Holmegaard bow for this chick I met yesterday that works at starbucks and thinks im "sweet" mwahaha
8: Make a 7' Elm ELB for my giant viking friend.
9: for my own experience a set of 4 pine stelmoores.
10: for the same reason some pine and spruce flat bows from 2"x4"
11: Stalk the various woods and trails by the river to find suitable hickory, walnut, ash, and oak...i never used maple yet maybe that should be added.
12: Cast some bronze or copper arrowheads
13: make more bone tips.
14:......14.....OHHH and make some targets for the new archery group im setting up in the west end of toronto.
knapp 'um if you got 'um

Offline cowboy

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Re: Winter Projects
« Reply #13 on: December 14, 2007, 12:28:51 am »
Christmas trade project.
maybe some points.
as much huntin as I can swing.
chase lots of rings.
and enjoy the holidays.
When you come upon a track or trail you do not know, follow it to the point of knowing.

a finnish native

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Re: Winter Projects
« Reply #14 on: December 14, 2007, 04:44:24 am »
-make a gull wing bow with recurves to bootboy
-finish the gull winged rowanbow you have seen on the topic "sneak peak"(before christmas :o)
-get a radical recurve gull wing bow sinewed and tillered
-hunt (gonna start tomorrow)
-make lots of arrows for all above
-make a 80 lbs training bow for myself