1. Finish my Christmas trade gift
2. Finish a bow, one, bow, any bow 
3. Learn to knap, make a few points. (Hopefully my hints on the refrigerator door were taken seriously by my family SarahAnne).
4. Make a few primitive arrows
5. Harvest a piece of Osage before I loose the lease on the property Dec 31st.
6. Tie lots of flies
7. Fix door on bedroom closet (Sorry guys my wife was looking over my shoulder just then)
8. Deer season has been a bust so far so get ready for spring Turkey season
9. Make some trade points from bandsaw steel I'm getting
10. Take some time off, line off some honey-do's from my list (necessary before I do any of the others)
Ok, guys it's time to take inventory of what you got done so far.
1. Finished...Replied to DanaM that I'm all about doing it again next year. Great fun.

Wood still curing, but hopefully at OJAM or Pappy's Classic (fingers crossed).

3. Still learning, but I've broke some rocks (and a toilet tank)
4. Some, but nothing to post.
5. That one got past me, but I'm going to ask the new land owners. Found more good Osage and a toilet tank on the place to boot.

6. A few, and even caught a few fish with them in the Blue River
7. Are you kidding. No real intention of starting on it.

(I can type that with impunity since she's out of the room)
8. Still gearing up. Season starts in April.
9. Made a few, traded for a few. Thanks PK
10.Yep, keeping peace on the home front when necessary