Around here, there's Spirits and then there's spirits. Spirits of natural things or places like springs, mountains, and so forth are good. Spirits of deceased people are not things people like to have contact with. A medicine man usually costs money for services rendered, so the spirits of deceased people showing up is not something people appreciate. A Skinwalker, now, this is a living person who uses shapeshifting ability to come around and cause harm. A Skinwalker usually shows up as a coyote. So, my coyote skin quiver is not something I'd show up with to shoot bow with Navajos.
Also, arrowheads are worn around the neck for protection, often against evil or negative forces. Certain color arrowheads are sought after. And, also, arrowheads have gender depending on the style of the point. Certain colors are reserved to gift to the medicine man. Also, there are ceremonies for protection where very tiny arrowheads are tied into the hair. The side it is tied on depends on the gender of the person. For a man, it is the side he carries his bow. For a woman, the side she holds her cooking paddle. This is because the man carries the bow and the woman carries the paddle to defend his/her people against hunger. Arrowheads have very deep meanings here and are taken very seriously. Also, an arrow is hung above the door to protect the house against evil. An arrowmaker or knapper is looked upon with respect regardless of the reason they make the arrows or points. The gift of an arrow or arrowhead is a very special gift and very deeply appreciated. It's considered a privilege for someone just to see the arrows you made. Bows, arrows, and arrowheads have very deep meanings here and have deep spiritual significance attached to them.