So I cut the branch in half and when doing so I saw the marking of Sept. 2006 so I would say this thing is ready to work. So I went a head and attempted my hand at my first time taking the bark off the deflex half. How does it look guys?

I left this area alone right now because I did not know how to work these area...

Here is the belly side... Are these dark knots going to be a problem...

There is one problem area that I think I might have screwed up on... What do I do about this???

So I also noticed that this has a really high crown on the back. I will make a line down the middle of the crown and then make the width a little wider than I need. I ended up measuring the stave and it is only going to be 60 tip to tip. So what would be the best width and layour for this to wkr the best.
Thanks guys for any help that you can give me. I want to make a simple but eligant weapon...