Build a couple more of these and you won't even remember that yellow stuff.

Now Im mad!!!!!! Funny your mentioning that Mr. Gabe

. I was talkin' amongst my real (osage) friends and told them yew was killer wood, I loved it, its fast, its easy as pie to work and its light weight. But its not osage, never will be, never can be. Even with all its flaws? Any osage can make good bows just the same. Not just one side or the other of the branch, not just thin rings, not just high elevation. None of that monkey business yew requires, no sir. Its all good bow wood if its yellow!:) Buts thats for another thread..

I do love yew!....just not as much as King Yellow!
Thanks for all the compliments again fella's. The bow is a real joy to shoot and I love it.....for now..