Just finished this one up.
1 3/16" wide by 62"
50# @ 27"
Naturally deflexed yew stave with steamed statics
Rat snake skins -(Thanks buddy)
Osage tip overlays (gotta take the good with the bad eh boys?..

Finished in one coat of shellac and 7 coats of Tung oil over that. Ill add 2-3 coats of paste wax later
I got this stave from my buddy Marty last summer and knew just what I wanted when I seen all the deflex in it, or so I thought. This bow was a typical R/D bow for about 4-5 shots, I didnt like it one bit and changed course mid flight. Not my first time doing that! However, Im very glad I did. It has a fairly high ring count, 40 rpi or so, and is PNW wood. The deflex wasnt exactly matched side to side, but I left it alone and tillered accordingly. The bow is a joy to shoot. Very, very smooth drawing, a dead silent shooter both in the hand and ear, and its deceivingly fast. I havent weighed the bow, but its light as a feather. Thanks for looking, and always any comments are welcomed.