This past weekend 16 bowyers honed their skills at the Cape Girardeau Conservation Nature Center. Most had bow making experience and wanted to try their hand at Osage orange. Some had challenging staves while others had down right ornery staves.
Knots, offset handle (pic below), snakes (pic below) and pin knots all posed challenges, but most were taken in stride with glad hearts. They all worked hard, enjoyed the fellowship and seemed to have learned enough to do this again.
The Nature Center hosts this class because participants learn about wise use of a natural resource (trees) and use their product to pursue natural resources (wild game). The process of making your own equipment (as most of you already know) solidifies awareness of the connection we all have to the land.
Below are a few pictures of the class with bows in progress. One final shot is the whole class either with their completed Osage bows or the hickory bows they made in years prior. We were inside due to some much needed October rain.
What a great class. I always enjoy the passion these folks bring!
Swamp Monkey