Free bow wood of various species. Oak, elm, mullberry, mimosa, catalpa. Truck load sized lots only.

Hurry, at these prices and quantities, it wont last long!!!
Please come get some.

These are pictures from this weekend's ice storm here in Oklahoma. Over 500,000 without power. I'm one of the lucky ones and have only been without power for a few hours. God bless CREC. These pictures were taken of the trees in my dogs' back yard that crushed our chain-link fence and of my folks yard across the road from me. As you can see, the ice is almost an inch think and more is in the forecast, however the temperatures are now above freezing so it's actually helping thaw the ice. Unfortunately a limb fell on their secondary line and it will be a while before the get service again.
Although most will be cut up and hauled off, I may see about trying to save a few of the biggest limbs and trunks. A silver lining to every cloud.

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