thanks alot you guys i get alot of inspiration from this website.
You are really turning out some very fine bows Bryce. I wish I could have made it up there today and seen that bow before it went out. Nice points too!
yeah missed out man. me and dan recurved his osage T/D and backed it with sinew. whipped out a couple points ate an elk roast, mashed tators and all the fixins.
Nice who ever opens that package is going to have a smile from ear to ear you make some amazing bows Bryce.
i hope so

I'll post full draw pics as soon as I open it. 
just remember to open it from the right end this time!
Another sweet bow from you,nice!
I still like the Pope &Saxon "replica best tho

yeah that bad boy shoots lazer beams

its definitely worth building if you get a chance.