Thanks a lot for your advices!
After having built a few sinew-backed recurves, I am still pretty ignorant about this new piece of bow to be backed with rawhide! I meanwhile only found out that rawhide is usually glued onto the bow with Titebond II or III rather than hide glue. Why?? Does the soaked hide not shrink like sinew, when it dries down again?
Well, the bow - or let's better say the non-tillered stave in its momentary state, has 69''. This will mean two pieces of rawhide according to the material I can get hold of. Attached or overlapping at the handle for stability?
Is it correct, to leave the tips free, e. g. for a horn tip or so?
How tight do I have to press the rawhide on? I am planning to use a stable elastic medical bandage, which might be easier to generate equally distributed pressure on the whole thing.

, Wolfgang