A board was once part of a tree, just as a stave was. It is a beautiful bow, and obviously, a great performer. No shame in a board bow. Our ancestors, and the N.A.'s would have gladly used a board if it were available. It is all well and good to make a bow out of a tree, by splitting, and selecting a stave, but it is a LOT of work. A bow that looks as good as that, and works as well, is no less a bow than one that was worked down from a stave, just a LOT less of work. I am in no way diminishing the sense of accomplishment by those who do only stave bows, just saying if you want a good bow, and you can make one from a board, why not? It made meat, and that is what most of us want a bow to do, be it a board or stave bow.

Congrats on the deer, and yes, put it up next to the other one on the wall. And yes, where in the heck is this lumber store that has Osage boards?