Thanks for the info all. Pat thanks will give it a shot, osage from reading seems to be a wood you can push.
If this had of been elm I would have wanted more width, ash I would have been looking at very low 40`s which ever way. Yew I would have gone for it a bit more having made bows around the 60.
Think I will avoid a static and thing more reflex just working a tad if possible.
Rich, after this I am going D bow and giving the statics and short recurves a break for a bit to concentrate on D bows like yours. I have 3 elm staves just screaming to be scalloped bows.

I like to whittle, burn, smell bend and break new wood to see what it feels like. Osage is lovely hot clean burn that smells clean or sweet. Great weight in the hand and great under a sharp tool.