Have not had the mindset to do much bow work recently, the most I have done is potter round and tidy up all the shavings.
I think sometimes unless your mind is upto it then you just make more mistakes and dont enjoy it.
This evening after a face drilling at the dentist I had some time to play with this bit of osage. Rough out an elm and reduce this yew a bit.
Now this is a tasty looking workshop floor!

Roughing out a yew longbow. Only tend to get to this every now and then as I am not thinking about longbows at the min.
The Osage is getting there

. This is the first time it has seen a string after cutting in some temp nocks.
I added about an inch of reflex to the outers. Could have done more but i think less heat will give me a better intro to the wood.
Currently about 1,5/8 of reflex and not budged at all yet.
Barely any eight on the string

Nice to see nothing jumps out so near brace. The shape the bow should be is getting much clearer in mind now even before its seen a string.