Author Topic: Ghetto take down sleeve?  (Read 8745 times)

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Offline Blaflair2

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Ghetto take down sleeve?
« on: November 01, 2013, 01:46:57 am »
What can I make a take down sleeve from. My fiancé shut down me buying one lol. Apparently we need money for bills?!? Who pays those? But seriously folks any insight is much appreciated. I honestly don't care if it comes apart or not. I was thinking of a piece of pipe. It's be nice of it does though  ::) I mean if I'm going through the effort. Thanks again

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Offline CherokeeKC

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Re: Ghetto take down sleeve?
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2013, 01:52:51 am »
Iv read somewhere about people using fiberglass cloth and resin to wrap handle.  If done right it is detachable.
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Offline steve b.

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Re: Ghetto take down sleeve?
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2013, 03:18:57 am »
You'd have to find a way to get one pipe to fit snuggly inside another, otherwise, if the pipes are somewhat loose, your bow will make noises at release.  And I'm not sure if the resultant vibration would not be good for your limbs.

I'm gonna try something like in this pic.  I'm gonna have a hunk of pipe and two oceanspray billets of similar size to the ID of the pipe.  I'll taper the ends and size it all up so that the tapered ends marry up snuggly inside the pipe.  No glue, just slide it all together.  I just need to figure out a way to keep the two billets pulled together firmly.  I was thinking about actually drilling a hole in each billet, near the pipe and running some cord through the holes and tying the billets together.  The cords would be part of the handle wrap, or whatever.


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Re: Ghetto take down sleeve?
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2013, 04:23:33 am »
Yess make a scarf joint like the one in the picture above but then use rawhide for the sleeve. You only need one sleeve. Soak it till it's wet and pliable. Then sew it around the entire handle with strong thread. You may also want ot glue it to one of the limbs at the same time. Hide glue will work but i'd want something waterproof tb3. Fiddler over on paleoplanet came up with this idea I - if you go on there and do a search then i'm sure you'll find some pictures. I was a little wary of it but i'ver done a bit of testing and I can tell you it's plenty strong enough......and it's as cheap as you'll get....the Mrs can't complain about it  :)

Offline Hrothgar

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Re: Ghetto take down sleeve?
« Reply #4 on: November 01, 2013, 08:25:46 am »
I've posted these pics before, but here is another option. 4" long metal conduit, 1" opening, wooden limb tynes can be cut flush. If there is any play or 'wiggle' a piece of masking tape will make it fit snug.
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Offline NeolithicMan

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Re: Ghetto take down sleeve?
« Reply #5 on: November 01, 2013, 09:57:08 am »
Now with the single pipe designs do you guys make them a different shape than just a O cross section? I heard that if there is no flat spots or areas to apply pressure against the handle piece not glued to the bow handle/limb can spin after being strung or shooting. this is what has kept me from attempting a homemade TD sleeve. Either way, what about using high strength PVC? it could be heated and formed to what ever shape is need for the most part. what about a kind of holding pin for the unglued limb? just push the handle sections together, drill a hole through the handle and push a pin in that can be retrieved when taking the bow down.
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Offline Trapper Rob

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Re: Ghetto take down sleeve?
« Reply #6 on: November 01, 2013, 01:39:54 pm »
Madcrow has a build a long on making one with fiberglass mesh & epoxy.

Don Case

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Re: Ghetto take down sleeve?
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2013, 02:25:02 pm »
You'd have to find a way to get one pipe to fit snuggly inside another, otherwise, if the pipes are somewhat loose, your bow will make noises at release.  And I'm not sure if the resultant vibration would not be good for your limbs.

I'm gonna try something like in this pic.  I'm gonna have a hunk of pipe and two oceanspray billets of similar size to the ID of the pipe.  I'll taper the ends and size it all up so that the tapered ends marry up snuggly inside the pipe.  No glue, just slide it all together.  I just need to figure out a way to keep the two billets pulled together firmly.  I was thinking about actually drilling a hole in each billet, near the pipe and running some cord through the holes and tying the billets together.  The cords would be part of the handle wrap, or whatever.
Wouldn't the string pressure be enough to hold it together?

Offline nathan elliot

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Re: Ghetto take down sleeve?
« Reply #8 on: November 01, 2013, 03:25:32 pm »
Am I the only one who thinks that take down sleeves are way over priced? I have been messing around with all kinds of alternatives. Here is an experiment in how small you can go. The small pipe is well under an inch and started life as a shower rail. Any movement can be sorted out by giving the sleeves a squeeze in a vice first, or use gasket material, both work.

Offline Blaflair2

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Re: Ghetto take down sleeve?
« Reply #9 on: November 01, 2013, 03:47:29 pm »
Also my billets are slightly twisted so it'd be a propeller shape. Not much. And it all lines up, so can I just leave it?
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Offline Hrothgar

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Re: Ghetto take down sleeve?
« Reply #10 on: November 01, 2013, 06:13:05 pm »
Neolithicman, with my first couple bows I just left the pipe in the original O shape, but anymore when I make one of these I will put the pipe inside a vise and crank it shut thus making a more oval shape--you can't squeeze the whole pipe at once, unless you're a lot stronger than I am, its best to squeeze one end (or half at a time) and it doesn't matter if the shape of the openings are the exact same. As far as limbs twisting, they won't if you glue a thin strip of leather onto any part of the wood tyne that isn't quite touching. Alternate lazy man's way to just to apply a piece of two of masking tape to the wood insert, it serves the same purpose in making the fit snug.

Even if you do nothing and have a loose fit, it can't come apart when the string is pulled.
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Offline steve b.

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Re: Ghetto take down sleeve?
« Reply #11 on: November 01, 2013, 08:13:29 pm »
Neolithicman--In my case, if the sleeve was glued to one limb, the bow should not twist as the tapers would not allow the limbs to migrate.  Or if one or more were pinned.  Otherwise, possibly.

Don--I don't think so.  The current D-shaped and tightly fitting sleeve system sometimes has enough movement that the bow "ticks" at release--meaning the shot release.  For hunting, that extra noise could be  problem and is just annoying to us perfectionists.  As a survival bow your idea would probably be fine, where you jam the pieces together and the bow string holds everything under tension so it can't come apart, at least long enough to get a couple of shots off.  Over time it the connection might wobble apart, even if just a little.

Nathan--I don't think the commercial sleeves are over priced, for what they are, but still they are relatively expensive if you are making a lot of takedowns. 

Blaflair2--A little twist is ok.  You should post pics just to be sure.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2013, 05:41:55 am by steve b. »

Offline turtle

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Re: Ghetto take down sleeve?
« Reply #12 on: November 01, 2013, 08:40:03 pm »
I got enough steel and brass tubing from amazon to make three sets of takedown sleeves for less than 20 bucks.
Now i just neec to make a bow to try em out on.

Steve Bennett

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Re: Ghetto take down sleeve?
« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2013, 02:35:30 am »
I used two pieces from a trampoline frame. Just cut two bits. And smashed them in the vice.

Offline KellyG

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Re: Ghetto take down sleeve?
« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2013, 09:00:55 am »
Here is the method I would like to  try. But cutting a good bow in half makes me very nervous. :P :o