No, crack and twist isn't some new dance move the teenagers are doing today...
I bought a bow from *cough, cough* and when it came, it looked great, but after shooting about a dozen arrows from it, it cracked...
It has been heavily polyurethaned, so is there a fix for this, like backing it, or should I return it to *cough/cough*

I'm worried that if I sand it down to try to lay down some linen, the glue won't absorb into the oak because of how deeply that polyurethane absorbs...
Also, a friend of ours bought some arrows from the same *cough, cough* and she got 9 out of 12 arrows that looked like the one below...
OK, the bows cost about $140 a piece, and the dozen arrows were over $100. What do I do??? This is a reputable seller online who claims to "shoots his bows at least 200 times before shipping them to a customer." Do you not think that he would have noticed a crack on the back of a bow and severe twisting in the arrows?