Author Topic: BOM Anyone? yikes!!!!  (Read 31406 times)

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Re: BOM Anyone? yikes!!!!
« Reply #120 on: October 21, 2013, 08:38:27 am »
It's always bow building season KellyG, ;) :) well said Parnell. :)
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Re: BOM Anyone? yikes!!!!
« Reply #121 on: October 25, 2013, 10:59:23 pm »
WOW! Good question. I guess if you really want some opinions, here's one. I don't think it has anything to do with the rule changes!!

I think it has a lot more to do with the lack of interest in bows that don't meet certain people's expectations. It seems that there is not much interest in bows that are not osage with snake skin backings, or board bows of any kind. 

This may have already been said, sorry didn't read every post on this thread. I did catch a post saying something about people being more encouraging. Seems to me that could apply to a lot more than just the BOM contest, like maybe the bow swap, or maybe everything. I feel like it used to be a place where new comers could share their works and be proud of their new found skills, at the same time learning to improve those skills. What happened to that. Not real encouraging when a new comer gets 2 or 3 replies to his/her new board bow. 2 or 3 replies that say things like better luck next time.

Sorry if I pissed anybody off, but you asked for opinions ;)

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Re: BOM Anyone? yikes!!!!
« Reply #122 on: October 25, 2013, 11:41:57 pm »
I agree with that Dave. Only I think it more or less says, No body cares, when only one or two folks post a reply to a new guys bow. Though it is not often this happens. And when it does, often enough the new guy wasnt saying much in his post. Just a, this is my new bow, and some bad pics. I really wish newer guys would ask some questions, do build alongs, and get more involved. Ironically, maybe this site is to blame. Perhaps all the new guys do research on this site, find all their answers, and have no need to ask questions. This site is so good, nobody needs to reply.
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Re: BOM Anyone? yikes!!!!
« Reply #123 on: October 26, 2013, 09:21:25 am »
I think a thing to remember is that this PA site is'nt only about bows.Which does have an influence on entries IMO.There is a lot of satisfaction gotten out there from other skills.Being diverse.It influences subscriptions because of PAs' broad subject matter.I myself have been at this primitve skill stuff for almost 35 years.With bows the last 4 years.It always amazes me when I see the number of members count against the numbers that vote for BOM.As they say birds of a feather stick together.I try to participate in a number of different skills which is why I like the PA magazine.Subsriptions are a nonfactor to me.
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Re: BOM Anyone? yikes!!!!
« Reply #124 on: October 26, 2013, 01:48:37 pm »
   I didn't read all the posts, I got through about 3/4 of them and my eyes got tired. As for buying a subscription, I think it is a small sacrifice for as much as we get out of the magaizine and the site here. As for BOM, I have mixed feelings. I do think it encourages bowyers to be at the top of their game, just as I like to compete in flight shooting others may enjoy competeing in BOM. It does provide a great source of great examples of our work here for the magazine and also plays a big part in raising the bar of excellence when it comes to bow building. I don't personally finish bows, I seldom add a grip, and get my jollies just making them, but that doesn't mean I don't admire the guys who do take the time to do nice finishes.

   Several years ago I won bow of the year with a bow that did not deserve to win, I am not being humble when I say that. I was so embarrassed I left the site and didn't come back for a few years. I felt like I had won a popularity contest instead of a bow contest. I seldom vote for BOM any more but do plan to start.

    I have my own criteria when I vote for BOM just as I am sure we all do. I switch the word Bow for accomplishment. If I see a guy has been struggling and all of a sudden comes up with a very good bow I will give it hard consideration for my vote. If another guy puts out proffessional quality bows every month and I see nothing over and above his usual standard of excellence I may not give him my vote if another bow is close. I try not to give the finish and photo quality undo credit over other important aspects of bow building. I just play it by ear you could say.

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Re: BOM Anyone? yikes!!!!
« Reply #125 on: October 26, 2013, 05:48:13 pm »
Good post Badger.
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Offline RyanR

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Re: BOM Anyone? yikes!!!!
« Reply #126 on: October 26, 2013, 10:38:17 pm »
I always enjoy reading the bow of the month in the magazine. It is one of the sections I always look forward to. Its always good to see what others are making. Even though I have been reading PA since 96, I am new to the forum.  I guess I should figure out how to vote for BOM so I am contributing to something I enjoy.  If you aren't part of the solution well.....