I've finally made my decision to ditch the hickory flatbow and move one. I want to make a tri-laminate english longow with some hickory, ipe , and another type of wood that I haven't exactly decided on. I've just encountered one problem, I don't know where to purchase laminations on the internet for a decent price

. I have already found hickory laminations on a bunch of websites because that's one of your only options for backing an english longbow besides. But I just can't find other woods I'm interested in such as maple, ipe, walnut, etc. I've already gone on 3rivers and bingham but they don't have what I'm looking for. Could someone please tell me a website where I can order some 72 inch lamiantions? Please add links if you have any suggestions. Thanks, I really apprecitate it.
Also I'm new to the whole bowyer scene so please any tips would be great.