Well since I've tried uploading this 3 times now lets hope the third time it the charm.
This is the first board bow I've managed to have not explode on my tillering tree (Yippy) realizing that all wood bows are a lot harder to make than fiberglass bows but hell it's an addictive process.
Alrighty so here goes: bow is 68" TtT and 66"NtN wood is red oak rubbed down with a 50/50 mix of dark walnut danish oil and shellac, backed with fiber glass sheet rock tape (I know I know booo) The tiller is a little bit wonky but it shoots sweet with zero handshock (This is the first bow I've ever shot off the knuckle) Unfortunately it took 3 1/2" of set during tillering but it's still plenty fast. It's currently pulling 49# at 28" which is 1 pound lower than my target weight. The string is a flemish twist D50 served with nylon.
Well guys let me know what you think, feel free to be harsh