I lost 5# last week sanding and finishing two bows, but also painted a house and hoed up the garden 

What I do, is get the tiller looking good with a rasp/file, than remove all the tool marks with a scrapper and do the rest of the work with a scrapper, especially weight reduction, and stop about 5# or so heavier than I want the weight to be. When using a scrapper, the bow is nice and smooth and doesn't require any real heavy duty sanding, just enough to get a nice finish going on. I go from 180 grit, to 320 grit, to 800, 1000, and 2000. The last 800 and up I just kinda rub the bow down a bit, it doesn't take too much really. And I usually loose about 5 pounds I think, I haven't paid too much attention though unless trying to hit a certain weight, so I am no expert.