Thanks for all the comments guys, really appreciate it although Capt. has left an image in my head that I can't erase.

O.K. got a pic of the bow drawn, couple inches short of full draw cause the photographer (wife), and I can seem to get our timing together and I won't hold at full draw more than a couple seconds after having a couple pop on me.
This bow is from the batch of buckthorn I salvaged from a pile destined for a wood chipper. Five attempts from this batch broke as I was building the bows. Showed this one to Cody (misslemaster), a few months ago while in stave form and he suggested I chase a couple rings as the top couple rings of the sapwood looked punky. Well he gave me good advice it appears as this one seems OK after a few hundred arrows. Here's the details;
- 51" ntn buckthorn pulling around 50# at 24"
- handle 1 3/8" - fades 1 9'16" -midlimb 1 1/2" - tips 1/2" widths
- handle padded with cork on belly and covered with dyed deer skin, jute, string of beads and mink tail fur trim.
- coloring on limbs is raw umber and burnt umber earth pigments, with acrylic paint accent dots .
- Finish is heated in blend of pitch, mink oil & beeswax (boot grease), an experiment.
- tip overlays are whitetail deer antler.