Author Topic: Design opinions please  (Read 3478 times)

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Re: Design opinions please
« Reply #15 on: October 21, 2013, 08:22:54 am »
So far so good....a few comments on my opinion(not that it matters) suggest getting the bend thru the transition of the lever and leaving the last 6-8" stiff....but don't make it bend like the rest if the limb..make it bend like a handle should on a bend in the handle bow....that way you know you have the least amount of mass thru that area..if ya leave it stiff and too much mass then you can negate the positives of the leverage of the far as cheating the grain tbru the levers to get better string tracking....yes you can do it that way but now your levers should be static,unless its a very subtle grain violation you'll be OK to make em bend how I first I used to do that to line my string up better,but I've since stopped and find following the top of the crown and grain much better....whe you deviate off the crown and grain it will usually create a "prop twist" at the levers making the limbs wanna torque n twist as the bow is pulled....its real easy to heat correct levers because there so thin and not much meat there to heat and correct....with this design it is best to get the string tracking down center of each lever AND thru the handle...thus way you will be able to make your levers as narrow as possible and get the most out of this design...and cheating the grain and deviating off the crown will fight you in this regard....its just what I've learned after making countless of these types of bows ;)

Offline vinemaplebows

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Re: Design opinions please
« Reply #16 on: October 21, 2013, 12:21:31 pm »
So far so good....a few comments on my opinion(not that it matters) suggest getting the bend thru the transition of the lever and leaving the last 6-8" stiff....but don't make it bend like the rest if the limb..make it bend like a handle should on a bend in the handle bow....that way you know you have the least amount of mass thru that area..if ya leave it stiff and too much mass then you can negate the positives of the leverage of the far as cheating the grain tbru the levers to get better string tracking....yes you can do it that way but now your levers should be static,unless its a very subtle grain violation you'll be OK to make em bend how I first I used to do that to line my string up better,but I've since stopped and find following the top of the crown and grain much better....whe you deviate off the crown and grain it will usually create a "prop twist" at the levers making the limbs wanna torque n twist as the bow is pulled....its real easy to heat correct levers because there so thin and not much meat there to heat and correct....with this design it is best to get the string tracking down center of each lever AND thru the handle...thus way you will be able to make your levers as narrow as possible and get the most out of this design...and cheating the grain and deviating off the crown will fight you in this regard....its just what I've learned after making countless of these types of bows ;)

Very well put....I agree 100% I have always loved the challenge of "prop twist" ::)
Debating is an intellectual exchange of differing views...with no winners.

Offline Carson (CMB)

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Re: Design opinions please
« Reply #17 on: October 22, 2013, 02:34:47 am »
That thing looks like a 100lb beast right now!  One thing I would do is heat treat the belly...once the wood is good and dry and you have things bending where they should.
"The bow is the old first lyre,
the mono chord, the initial rune of fine art
The humanities grew out from archery as a flower from a seed
No sooner did the soft, sweet note of the bow-string charm the ear of genius than music was born, and from music came poetry and painting and..." Maurice Thompso