Ok. So these are my thoughts for improvement. A goal to shoot for so to speak? I see that some of the mass on your point is more on one side of the center line that the other side. This is really just a looks thing in my opinion but i suppose it is possible for it to affect flight patterns and strength? so maybe work on removing mass from the point so the sides are fairly even. also getting the zig zags smaller so its a bit straighter would probably look better and allow for a smoother pass into an animal. Next is the profile, it looks much better than anything I've made but it does have some of it sticking out side the triangular line and some that is inside by a bit, so working on keeping it on the line of the triangle or whatever line you are trying to work with(could be a curved for some point like a gunther, and serrations are fine for that of course.) This one is purely aesthetics and nothing more(I think) and is just something that would make it look nicer. Over all for a second point it is exceedingly nice! Much better than what I have made and I'm at something like 30 points.
Also, can you post pics of what you are using for tools? I would really like to see what you are using and maybe thats something to how you're doing as well as natural talent.