Hey guys, I've been kinda slow with bow making lately, this whole 'school' thing gets in the way sometimes.

Anyway, I've got a hackberry pyramid style bow here with more character than I'm used to dealing with and I could use some help with the tiller.
To give some context, its just shy of 2" wide at the fades and 63" long with 7 1/2" of handle/fade. I'm aiming for 50lbs at 26.5", not what it is right now because I
just finished floor tillering and heat treating and put a string on it for a low brace picture. It feels okay so far though.
There's a good size knot (healed over so its more of a knob, you can see there's a leaf right under it in the bottom pictures) in the upper limb that doesn't seem to bending, then it transitions quickly to a normal thickness limb. I'm not sure if that's the way it should be or what not so if yall could help me out, that'd be much appreciated.

Here are the Pictures!
