Author Topic: Would like a bow. Offering red fox, moose antler, etc.  (Read 2052 times)

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Offline PaulLovesJamie

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Would like a bow. Offering red fox, moose antler, etc.
« on: October 11, 2013, 09:24:15 pm »
I'm still trying to get a serviceable bow from a hand-cut tree off my property, and repeatedly failing. I'll keep trying, but I have to accept that I'm not good at this and rather than buy a bow I'd rather trade for one to hunt with.
So - I'd like to trade for a selfbow.

50 lbs (plus or minus a couple lbs is ok)
28.5" draw length
I'm right handed, 6' tall.
I prefer a shelf to shoot off but could be talked out of it. Maybe.
Would really like osage, but open to other possibilities.
Durable. I'm a one bow guy, I'm likely to use it for a long time.
Definitely want a bow from a stave, not a board bow.

Of course, one of those never-misses hand-shock-free gorgeous masterpieces you guys post pics of would be nice :) but I suspect nobody parts with those. Looks are great, but are secondary to functionality for me.

Not sure what I need to offer to get a nice bow, here's what I have that I can think of:
1) I have a red fox in the freezer. He has been well-fed on my chickens all summer and thought he was having chicken for supper again today, but now the corn is down and I can see so his luck ran out. I'm not very good at brain tanning but could ship the pelt salted or I could have it commercially garment tanned. Average size fox, fur looks good but two .17 caliber holes somewhere. Will confirm condition after skinning & salting. I can skin it to your specs.
2) a commercially tanned possum skin, actually I have 2
3) I have a small moose antler that I still want to make into knife handles, but since I want a bow and I'm not getting to the knives, the antler is on the table.
4) Strings - I have several colors of dacron, can make strings to your specification.
5) I have a leather concealed carry fanny pack I no longer use
6) I have caribou antlers, some whole and some partials.
7) I have staves that I was certain were hickory but are white all the way thru so they might be ash??

If any of this is appealing to you please make an offer, ask questions, etc. I'll start posting some pics shortly, and can take more detailed pics if desired.
I should know better.