Clint, get one of those digital temperature/humity gauges and you'll know exactly what's going on in the box. This summer I had a piece of osage that was 2 years old stored in my workshop attic. When I started reducing it, it would clog my farrier's rasp. I weighed it and put it in my hot box. With two 60 watt bulbs and just the fan from my space heater the temp ranged from 75 to 90 degrees moisture scale ranging from 7.9 to 10.6. It lost nearly an ounce in 2 weeks. When it stopped losing weight for a few days, I was ready to make a bow with it. Oh the roughed out stave was in my house for a couple weeks before I started working on it. If I didn't have a hot box, it would have needed to be in the house for a month with all the humidity and rain we had this summer. Hot boxes are GREAT!