I had to finish one off with a hammer but never a knife. I hit a big doe with my Flintlock in the neck and thought she was done for untill I started to load here in my Gator. Halfway up she found some life and went to kicking the ever living crap out of me. I finally got my hands on a claw hammer I had in the back and stopped that nonsense. I still have scars on both forearms where she worked me over. And I've never figured out why someone would cut a deer's throat after the heart quit pumping?
Same reason his wife cuts the legs off the turkey and puts them in another pan to roast in the oven at Thanksgiving. Momma done it that way. She asks Momma, and is told Granny done it that way. She asks Gran' and finds out Gran's roaster was tiny and the dad-gum turkey won't fit, so she whacks off the legs and roasts 'em separately. This is called Tradition! Folks have all kinds of goofy traditions surrounding hunting and processing game. I've had guys literally screaming at me that I was ruining good antelope by not skinning immediately. After a dozen or so times of leaving the hide on both bucks and does, I have yet to eat a bite of strong flavored antelope. More folks claim you gotta cut off certain glands on legs, some claim you gotta hang by the head end or the butt end, and all kinds of silly superstitious claims.
I think that is where the throat cutting stuff comes from. Either someone once saw a deer get it's throat cut to finish it off or somebody's family passes down a silly tradition based on a misunderstanding.
My personal silly tradition is to get the critter's body cooled AS FAST AS POSSIBLE, and that is not negotiable.
Shoot the bow enough so that it is like an extension of your arm as one pointing right at the deer.
Ed just etched a real fact in stone right there!
Pitting your wits against a fine tuned wild deer with primitive equipment homemade equipment is the ultimate until something better comes along.
I started out with modern guns, progressed to a caplock muzzleloader and then a flintlock. Along came bows. I am eyeing atlatls even as we speak. Lord help me I am de-evolving! Some day I might just wander the plains nekkid as an ape, following big predators around hoping to snatch a mouthful of something left over after they have hunted!!!