Hello all. Well, while the final touches are drying up on my xmas trade item, I decided to use the beautiful fall afternoon to get some shots of my newest hunting weight bow, the Maeven Bow. After finishing up the Blonde Bomber for a friend, I was so overcome with jealousy that I decided to hop right in and 0"make myself a good heavy bow. This is it. My wife, Angela, did the beautiful celtic knotwork with acrylic paint. The handle wrap is leather with a saskatoon arrow shelf.
The really tricky thing about this bow was the twist. It has a considerable amount of twist, so much so that the tips both twist about 25 degrees away from center, making them about 50 degrees from each other. After some risky tillering and white knuckles, a few prayers to various gods and a degree of sweating that is just downright embarrassing, the string laid down center shot with no heat bending or correction at all. Let me know what y'all think!
Yew. 60" nTn. 64# @ 26"

photos by my buddy Travis "Jip" Proffitt.