Author Topic: Check this out, my core chrysaled, but my belly/backing is still good, haha  (Read 3579 times)

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Offline toomanyknots

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Belly's just fine (and tiller was good, no hinges, etc:

The stuff just cracked/broke apart too, but the thing didn't wanna blow for nothing. I mean I heard the core break a bunch of times. Here's a pick of a crack, there is a similar crack on the other side:

It was pulling 80# @ 32". I pulled it farther than 32" a bunch of times. It just didn't wanna blow, lol. I was putting the nocks on the top nock, and the padauk tip kept breaking off when I was fitting the horn, to where my top nock was gonna be like 2" shorter than my bottom (after I glued the bottom nock on) and I just didn't feel like retillering, I got pissed and broke it,  ::). I thought it was cool though to see a core fail but the belly and backing not wanna give up, so thought I would share this. If I didn't screw up the nocks, I would of kept it for sure, the bow held 2 1/2" of 3" glued in reflex, and would of been a nice bow. I don't think I will use padauk again, if I do it will be a very light bow. But I most likely will just pitch my last padauk core. I had a bamboo paduak hickory glued up before this that outright broke on the longstring (from the padauk core failing, just like this one).
« Last Edit: October 02, 2013, 02:00:43 pm by toomanyknots »
"The way of heaven is like the bending of a bow-
 the upper part is pressed down,
 the lower part is raised up,
 the part that has too much is reduced,
 the part that has too little is increased."

- Tao Te Ching, 77, A new translation by Victor H. Mair

Offline Joec123able

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Never seen anything like that
I like osage

Offline Salvador 06

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Wow, that a first for me as well.  It kinda puts into question the idea that the core is only there for the ride. 

Why did you break it?  If its holding the reflex and the back and belly are fine it may have worked out. 
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Offline adb

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For all those who've said the core doesn't matter... have a look! IMHO, the core should be as compression strong as the belly.


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I've also made made a few tri-lam elb's with padauk cores and guess what........the exact same thing happened to me. Padauk is NOT a good choice for cores!
My bow was a hickory backing and greenheart belly, i've still got the bow. Upon close inspection there are cracks in the padauk all along the bow.
So go light with cores by all means but pick a wood that will make good selfbows too!