Author Topic: seminole replica (working) cypress bow  (Read 8403 times)

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Offline mullet

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Re: seminole replica (working) cypress bow
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2013, 10:31:42 am »
Hey. you guys are walking a tight rope here and bordering on Politics ??? ::)
Lakeland, Florida
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Offline Blaflair2

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Re: seminole replica (working) cypress bow
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2013, 11:06:25 am »
I think everyone can agree to disagree and keep it moving.
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Offline rockrush69

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Re: seminole replica (working) cypress bow
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2013, 05:52:59 pm »
I know .... im sorry mullet . It seems as if a while back i mentioned something about the tipi village . And it made gun doc not like me . And then he made a comment implying that I was selling wet sinew backed bows to people . I was offended by his remarks so i over defended my self . And tried to explain myself . If gun doc doesent like me . Please by all means dont talk to me on here .... everyone else im sorry . And i would like to erase this whole thread but cant figure out how ... lol . Iits pretty childish though lol . Arguing online !!! Hahahaha .
The rabbit lost his tail cause the fox tricked him and told him to stick it thru the ice to catch fish he became stuck and the bear snatched him out by his ears leaving his bushy tail behind and streching his long ears... Cherokee story "how the rabbit lost his tail" :)

Offline soy

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Re: seminole replica (working) cypress bow
« Reply #18 on: October 08, 2013, 01:55:50 am »
First Nice artwork... and second from what I have seen gundoc and others have offered advice based on your exact words I have seen no dislike just misunderstanding ...when it is ready would love to see a full draw ;)
Is this bow making a sickness? or the cure...

Offline BOWMAN53

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Re: seminole replica (working) cypress bow
« Reply #19 on: October 08, 2013, 11:18:38 am »
First Nice artwork... and second from what I have seen gundoc and others have offered advice based on your exact words I have seen no dislike just misunderstanding ...when it is ready would love to see a full draw ;)

+1 on the full draw.

Offline rockrush69

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Re: seminole replica (working) cypress bow
« Reply #20 on: October 10, 2013, 07:20:23 pm »
The issue is that i said i was putting it up for sale ....  PUTTING IT UP FOR SALE. Not i sold it wet . Some times bows take a year to sell . You all know that . But they saw an oppertunity to CORRECT someone so they did . The problem is. . . I know obviously sinew takes time to cure . Different places climate based take different times . This is true . Annd i was banking on not selling the bow for a few months . Strangly enough . It sold right away . At full price and i told the gentlman it is not cured yet and can not be shot . I was given mo ey down and told to hold on to it untill its ready . It sits on my wall this very second and has not been shot since the first day . Nside my house with very low humidity . It will be ok to shoot soon . I am sorry i lashed out . But i knew it was wet and never planned on sending it to anyone wet . And the cocky comment about the tipi village . (With whom i am in contact with and am donating a bow to help there cause . And plan on spending a few mo ths out there very soon ) yeea that comment pissed me off . Gun doc is a die hard american who took offence to me being disgusted with the way our government did those people . Which stems from my mom ( whos cherokee ) and her back groumd and my ancestors being thrown from theyre land by this government who just showed up and decided to own everything . Mullet . I dident mean to get pollitical . Sorry . Im really not political at all . I honestly dont even vote lol . As for full draw pics . I will post some soon . I have enogh bows that if it breaks i can give the buyer several new ones . Plus im sitting on about 25 staves ... i aint trippin ...... love yall . Have a good one .
The rabbit lost his tail cause the fox tricked him and told him to stick it thru the ice to catch fish he became stuck and the bear snatched him out by his ears leaving his bushy tail behind and streching his long ears... Cherokee story "how the rabbit lost his tail" :)

Offline bubby

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Re: seminole replica (working) cypress bow
« Reply #21 on: October 10, 2013, 07:39:41 pm »
Jesse,  you have to realize most of those comments were meant to be helpful and constructive, it's a big family here we all take a little crap from time to time, most everyone on here is trying to get better and critique  is the main source of that, that said, relax have a cold one, and then go build some bows :laugh:, bub
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Offline WDELongbow

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Re: seminole replica (working) cypress bow
« Reply #22 on: October 10, 2013, 11:15:17 pm »
RockCrush, you need to cool off, there are some good guys on this site.  I appreciate your Americanism.