I am so glad to hear you guys sound off like that. The first thing I thought when I saw it was"eww thats fugly." It just doesn't have the same magnificent strength and beauty that a real big daddy of the woods has. Interestingly enough, technology is not only breeding specific qualities in animals but our seed supply is really being eroded with all the genetically modified seed out there. Before you know it we'll all be eating genetically modified hamburgers on buns made out of genetically modified wheat,drinking our aspertame sweetened pop while we dip our genetically modified french fries in our genetically modified tomato catsup and then next thing you know we will be genetically modified.Then you 'll have a bunch of guys walking around with horms on their head like the deer in picture................
Just kidding but I think you get the picture. So how did I get from there to here? Well I guess you could say I took the scenic route. Danny